Whether you’re a bookworm or love to explore museum archives both library and museum environments offer engaging roles with invaluable learning opportunities. Ideal for librarians, library assistants, and archivists, our CV examples will help you present your personal flair and passion for learning in a concise style.


Impress employers with your
library or museum CV

Our CV examples for library and museum roles are guaranteed to get you noticed. Discover how to highlight your love of literature and history. Try these top tips:

  • Start with a punchy opening statement.

    You need to hold your employer’s attention from the start – begin with a personal statement that demonstrates your love of learning, perhaps with an anecdote or unique fact that shows off your experience and passion.
  • Make sure you’re using the right keywords.

    UK recruiters may run your CV through scanning software to make sure you match the job description. Make sure you fit the bill by using the right keywords with our ATS compliant templates – books, museum, filing and organisation will all light up the scanners.
  • Show off your qualifications

    For a role as a librarian or archivist, you’ll be a lover of learning. If you’ve got any specific qualifications, don’t be afraid to show them off in a concise, bold manner.
  • Keep it brief and organised.

    You’ll need to illustrate how you can arrange information appropriately. Keep your application brief and presentable. Focus on your best features with our comprehensive range of CV templates.
  • Always go back and proofread.

    Check, check and check again – your spelling and grammar need to be top-notch. You can use our spell-check feature to make sure you don’t submit any mistakes.

Start building your ideal library or museum CV

Whether you love literature, or discovering historical insights myPerfectCV offers professional and comprehensive tools to help you build your CV and impress your employer.

Starting with a bold personal statement, we’ll show you how to shine against other candidates for a role in these engaging services.


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